Spanish for Professional Purposes...

...for teachers and students who see the need for Spanish language and Hispanic cultures knowledge in professional contexts.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Spanish for the Professions minor in Summer School

The summer school program to complete the entire minor in Spanish for the Professions, medical track is one quarter full! Five students have enrolled. There are twenty seats.

This is a great opportunity to complete the entire minor during summer school. It is also one of the only ways to meet the exceedingly high demand for the medical track in the minor.

Here's how the minor looks:

Summer Sessions I:

Spanish for the Professions (SPAN 265)

APPLES service-learning (SPAN 293)--starting in summer I, finishing in summer II

Summer Session II:

Medical Spanish (SPAN 321)

La comunidad hispana (SPAN 335)

It's all or nothing!  Enrolled students must enroll in all of the above courses and complete the entire minor in summer school.

For more information, see:

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